Tournament ChessAcademy.am
The first round matches have started
At 15:00 local time the first round of Round Robin tournament has been started.
Here is the pairing of round 1:
IM Platon Galperin - WIM Anna Sargsyan
IM David Shahinyan - FM Armen Barseghyan
IM Artur Davtyan - GM Hovik Hayrapetyan
IM Victor Matviishen - IM Stefan Pogosyan
GM Evgeny Levin - GM Zurab Sturua
Live Games and Live Stream of the tournament are available on the official website: http://amargaryan-round.chessacademy.am/?lang=en
To follow the pairings and results please visit the following section of the website: http://amargaryan-round.chessacademy.am/static/article/48?lang=en