Tournament ChessAcademy.am
Round 4։ analysis of the games
In Round 4 Platon Galperin VS Victor Matviishen match ended unexpectedly fast, in which Slav defense was played. Whites were more successful at the opening, but on move 19 they lost most of the advantage and after 2 moves made blunder 21.Rc1??
21․․․Qxc1 0-1
In the match Armen Barseghyan VS Evgeny Levin Blacks were a bit more successful at the opening and got certain positional advantage, but in the middle game Whites equaled the position with specific actions, after which they declared eternal check with a bishop sacrifice.
In the game Hovik Hayrapetyan VS Zurab Sturua Queen's Gambit was played. For a long time there was an equal positional fight, but in a disarray the Grandmaster from Artsakh managed to turn the game over and celebrate the third consecutive victory, taking the role of sole leader of the tournament.
In the match David Shahinyan VS Artur Davtyan Blacks played more successfully having advantage of a pawn in the endgame, but after a hard fight David managed to reach a draw.
Anna Sargsyan - Stefan Pogosyan played an old Indian defense: Blacks, sacrificing a pawn, got an advantage of two bishops. Whites, having estimated the position in a right way, returned the pawn depriving the opponent of a strong bishop on black field. After move 35 the situation was as follows:
31.Rb3? (it was better to play 31.Ra7- f4 32.Rxc7 - Rb1+ 33.Kf2 – Rb2+ = forcing Blacks to give eternal check) - R xb3 32.ab in the endgame with bishops Whites still do not miss the chance to reach a draw, but on move 44 they had to find the following continuation:
44.b6! - cxb6 45.Kf4+ - Kc5 46.Ke3 – b5 47.Kd2- Be6 48․Kc2 – Kb6 49. KC3 - d5 50․c7- Kxc7 51․Kb4 Kb6 52․B f1= Whites could not find this option; played 44․Kf4?? and lost the game.