Tournament ChessAcademy.am
Round 6: summary of the results
In the match Platon Galperin VS Zurab Sturua the Tarrasch improved defense of Queen's Gambit was applied. Blacks managed to equalize the position, and on move 23 the sides agreed to a draw.
Artur Davtyan - Victor Matvisheen used the accepted version of Queen's Gambit. In the middle game Whites spent a great deal of time and finding themselves in a disarray missed the initiative. On move 31 Blacks, taking advantage of inaccurate moves made by Whites, got a won position and on move 41 reached a victory.
In the game Anna Sargsyan VS Hovik Hayrapetyan Whites played better and could get a won position on move 20:
21.Kh1? (21.Bxg8 – Rxg8+ 22.Kf1 - cd 23.Qd2 threatening Qh6 mate - Rg6 24․Qxd4 + -) Subsequently, Whites lost their advantage resulting in an almost equal endgame. After move 38 made by Whites the following situation was obtained:
38…Ka4?? (should be played f5 to neutralize the possibility of creating a mate net by Whites) 39.Be4+ Kh5 40.Bf3+? (40.Rb7! -Kh4 41․Rg7! +-) - Kg6? (with 40 ... Kh4! move it was possible to avoid the mate net retaining the chances of a draw) 41.Be4 + Whites found the right continuation from the second attempt and won the game.
In the match Armen Barseghyan VS Stefan Pogosyan Blacks were more successful at the opening, got a pretty serious advantage, but slowed down, lost the advantage, and an equal endgame was reached. Later Blacks and Whites were interchangeably getting the advantage, but neither side succeeded in increasing the advantage, and on move 101 naked kings remained on the board.